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activityLog - Variable in class dialogs.DlgLogParser
activityLog - Variable in class frame.DrawingFrame
adapter - package adapter
add(Shape) - Method in class model.DrawingModel
Add new shape.
addCommand(String) - Method in class dialogs.DlgLogParser
Add command to list that is last executed.
addListener(JButton, MouseAdapter) - Method in class observer.DrawingObserver
Method that add listener to some button and enable it.
addMultiple(ArrayList<Shape>) - Method in class model.DrawingModel
Add multiple shapes to list of shapes.
addPropertyChangedListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class controller.DrawingController
Add listener that will listen (observe) to the changes in this class.
addToIndex(int, Shape) - Method in class model.DrawingModel
Add new shape to specified index.
app - package app
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